Does the Quran speak of aliens in outer space?

Apart from the angels and the jinn, does the Quran indicate that there are other creatures/aliens in outer space, and that the human being is not the only living creature in the universe?


In 42:29 we read the following:

“Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the 'dabba' (creatures) He spreads in them. He is able to gather them all if He so wills.”

The words above speak of 
creatures that live in the earth and also in the heavens (universes).
If we are among the creatures that live in the earth, what are the creatures that live in the universes?
Some have interpreted these to be the angels. Indeed the angels exist outside our earth, but the word used in 42:29 is“dabba”. Are the angels referred to as “dabba” in the Quran? The answer is no. The confirmation is found in the following verses:

 “To God prostrates every dabba (creature) in the heavens and the earth and the angels; they do not act with arrogance.”16:49

As we can see from 
16:49 God speaks of every creature “dabba” in the heavens and the earth, but then God says and the angels. The angels are mentioned separately from “dabba”, if angels were considered a “dabba” God would not say andthe angels after “dabba”. Thus the word “dabba” does not include the angels.

2- In addition, we have another confirmation in the Quran that the word "dabba", not only does it not include the angels, but that it also does not include the jinn, and that it only speaks of physical creatures:

"God created every 'dabba' from water"

We know that angels are not made of water nor are the jinn who are created from fire. As a result, we have confirmation that when God uses the word "dabba" it only refers to creatures created from physical matter.
So if we (and other creatures) are the “dabba” on earth, then what are the “dabba” (physical creatures) in the universes (as in 42:29)? The words in 42:29 can thus indicate that there are other physical creatures like us that live elsewhere in the universe, and God knows best.
In addition to 42:29, we read another Quranic verse which gives similar indications:

16:49] All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, the creatures and the angels, prostrate to God without the least arrogance.

The words 
creatures and the angels” which God tells us are the heavens and the earth tell us that there are creatures as well as angels in the heavens (universe) and the earth. We (humans) are the creatures in the earth, so who are the creatures in the Heavens?

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